Making Memories with Flowers

As a little girl I remember going to my grandparent’s garden in the fall and admiring tall, delicate, yellow flowers. My Grama would call them “false sunflowers”. Upon further googling I have discovered that they can also be called ‘rough oxeye’ and ‘smooth oxeye’.

When we got our first home, my Grama dug up some of these flowers and gifted them to me. They are a perennial that comes back year after year and they have the oddest roots. The roots almost go at a ninety degree angle to the stem. In my Grama’s words, ” if you aren’t careful you will have them everywhere!”.

As we moved from house to house we always made sure we dug up some of these original flowers. They made the journey with us ( we even transplanted some from my Mom and Dad’s house when they moved). Sometimes they stayed in a pot for longer than they should have, but they always seemed to survive.

I think the beauty of these flowers is that they can grow well beyond fence height. As well they are the perfect shade of yellow and they blow so delicately in the wind. Being hardy and pest proof is also an added bonus. They do reproduce a lot – I have learned that mid summer thinning is sometimes a good thing. They also make a beautiful bouquet to add to your table or share with a friend.

When everything else in the garden is starting to wind down, the yellow flowers are just getting started. Today, I was out in the garden enjoying the sunshine and watching the flowers blow in the breeze. This made my heart so happy. Even though we said goodbye to my Grama so long ago, little things remind me of her. I think she would be very happy that descendants of her original plants are still thriving today after all these years.

Creating a Garden To Love

I love to garden, watching tiny seedlings grow and bloom into beautiful flowers is so special. I also love growing my own vegetables.

In the early morning or evening I love to just go outside and spend time in the garden. I take around my little empty pot and gather spent blooms, and dead head flowers that are done. I water all the plants thoroughly and refill the birdbath. I help the trailing flowers catch on to the trellis and twirl them around the stakes in the garden. This is my special place.

This is a very peaceful and quiet time for me. Sometimes I reflect and sometimes I just enjoy listening to the birds sing their songs back and forth. I am proud of my garden and the stories that it tells.

This year I have been able to find some gently used treasures to add to the garden. Including non-garden items in the garden adds a whimsical touch and a sense of beauty. I have a few items that I have found from antique places that I intend to clean up a bit and plant some low lying ground cover in.

I also know that lighting is really important in the garden. A few years ago we installed metal poles in our garden and then hung solar globe lights in the backyard. I love these lights and they create a beautiful warm glow in the evening. This year I got little fairy sprig lights that are small globes on a spray. They add a delicate sprinkle of light to some of my planters at night.

Atwater Market – Blooms Everywhere You Look!

Along the picturesque Lachine canal in Montreal lies the beautiful, historic Atwater Market. I have been to this market many times with my daughter, who is studying in Montreal. The market is within walking distance of her home and it’s open seven days a week.

I’ve been to the market in all seasons, except for Spring. My daughter told me, “Mum you would love the market in the Spring, there are flowers everywhere!” I made it my mission to visit her in the Spring this year so we could go to the flower market together.

When we got to the market, I saw a few of the flower and plant vendors. I thought to myself, this is lovely. And then, as I turned the corner, the entire length of the market was lined with booth after booth of beautiful blooms. I was in awe! To be honest, I was a little overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure what to look at first and I certainly didn’t want to miss a thing.

Oddly enough we had gone with my daughter’s friend (who doesn’t have a car) and we quickly filled our car with her beautiful plants. The car was filled to the brim with little room left for more. We looked at each other and laughed, and I confessed that I honestly wouldn’t be upset to come back. We drove her friend home and then made our way back to the market. On the drive back we talked about which booth had what and what had stood out to us the most.

On our return we went to specific booths, as if our first run had been a recon mission. We picked out the flowers that we had felt a connection to, especially blooms that I hadn’t seen before in Ontario, and shades and colours that were just that little bit different. The veggies were also beautiful and lush.

As an avid gardener this made my heart completely full! It was a majestic sight and one that I will soon not forget. And I can promise you that this will become one of my new yearly May adventures!

A Spring Visit to the Garden Center

One of my favourite things to do in the Spring is to visit some of my local garden centres. It is a time in between the seasons when you aren’t quite ready to put flowers outside but it is a great source of inspiration. I find that it gets me thinking of great colour combinations and gives me the opportunity to see those pops of colour that we have all been missing during the winter months.

Visiting a garden centre is also a great activity for a rainy day. Garden centers are not only a great resource for inspiration, but they also sell pots, seeds of all kinds, gardening tools, and lots of garden accessories. If you love plants there are also a great selection of tropicals and house plants that can add a fresh pop of green to your home.

The How to of Square Foot Gardening

I began researching the idea of square foot gardening a few years ago. The concept is using a small amount of space to yield a large harvest. This is a great option for people living in urban areas. Or even for individuals with a small foot print available for gardening.

A few years ago my son helped me build a 5 by 5 foot raised garden bed in our backyard. We used string to mark out the twenty five, one foot plots. After setting up the area, I was able to plant. From experience, I would recommend scaling down to a 4 foot by 4 foot plot. The 5 by 5 does sometimes present some difficultly in reaching into the very middle. Over the years, I have questioned how many of each plant or seed I could fit into each one foot plot and just kind of winged it.

Often in the spring I like looking for new ideas to use in the garden from companies that sell garden supplies. As I was looking through the pages of the Lee Valley catalogue, I found an innovative tool that I needed to have. This would for sure be able to enhance my square foot gardening. Behold the seeding square. This is a genius tool that helps to maximize your harvest in a limited space.

The seeding square comes with a great template. The guide is colour coded and comes with suggestions for many seed types and their placement. Ultimately this allows the gardener to plant a wide variety of seeds and maximize space within each square foot. This tool eliminates the guess work out of optimum placement for each plant, and lets you know the exact number of each plant to plant in the square from the guide’s instructions.

I am looking forward to seeing if this new gardening tool will increase my yield from the garden and make my square foot garden more productive. Happy gardening!

Seed Starting Tips and Tricks

Gardening is a hobby that I love. It is wonderful to get to be outside and watch things grow. I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when I garden. I love seeing a tiny seed many months later turn into a beautiful healthy flower with many intricate parts. It really is incredible when you think about it. How a teeny tiny seed, some only millimetres big can grow and develop into a stunning flower or plant.

I’d like to share some of my tried and true tips and tricks to successful seed planting.

First, I have found that using a soil mix specifically for seedlings is a great start. This soil is light and fluffy and the seeds have a greater germination rate. Potting soil or top soil is often more compacted and dense making it difficult for the seeds to poke through.

My second tip, is to use great tools, above in the picture you can see a new tool I purchased. It is the  Fiskars Hand Seed Sower. When I bought it, I was excited because it had two ends that I thought would be perfect for planting seeds. It has a skinny trowel for the dirt and a slender spoon like end. It wasn’t until I was looking up a link for this tool that I realized the small yellow end slid out. This tiny tool is called a widger. Apparently it can create holes to plant seedlings that are very small and you can use the widger to gently dig out the new seedling with minimal damage. What a great idea!

It is important to gently water the seedlings once they are planted, but not over water them. A few years ago I purchased a seed sprayer from Lee Valley. It is a fantastic tool and gives the seedlings a little delicate rain shower, by simply squeezing the silicone bulb.

Lastly, it is important to cover your new seeds with a cover. Most seed trays come with a clear lid that can be used for the first few days to encourage germination and a warm environment for your new seed babies.

I hope that you found these tips helpful and hopefully in a few weeks I will have some new seedlings to add to the garden.

Update: Everything is looking good and has sprouted!

It All Measures Up !

Growing up, my family owned a small business: a hardware store. It was a multi-generationally owned Home Hardware in a small Kawartha village. My grandparents, parents, brother, me, and even my husband, all worked there over the span of decades.

I didn’t realize it at the time but I learned a lot of valuable things during my time at the hardware. My grandparents and parents believed in working hard, and passed that down to us. There are some skills I’ll never forget. I still know how to cut down a box with a jack knife lickety-split. I can mix paint, and cut a key, measure rope, identify what type of screwdriver you need, find you an ‘o’ ring, and on and on.

It only seems fitting that on our adventures antiquing I am always on the look out for a yardstick with my family store’s logo on it. We still have one of the wooden yardsticks that we used at the hardware, and it is attached to a table that we restored and now use as a desk. But it would be such a treat to find another one, out there in the world. 

Last weekend, my husband and I were antiquing and the shop we were in had a barrel of wooden yardsticks. They were all from different companies and stores. Each one was just a little bit different. Some were thick, some thin, some so well worn from use and others in mint condition. As my eyes quickly scanned over the yardsticks I spotted a vintage home hardware one! And then to my surprise, another one, in the same bin! How could this be? It wasn’t from our family’s exact store, but it was still Home Hardware. 

I’m so excited. I’m going to keep one for myself (it’s going to live in my craft room), and the other I’m going to give to my Dad. 

What does he plan on doing with this treasure? Well, as of late he’s having a challenging time putting on his shoes. He finds that a wooden yardstick is the perfect tool to slip his foot into his shoe without bending (like a shoe horn). Now, he can use a familiar tool for this daily task. And hopefully it puts a smile on his face and brings back some happy memories of squeaky floors and days gone by.

P.S. The logos are slightly different, and I think my Dad will probably be able to identify how old the yard sticks are according to the style of the logo. I’ll keep you posted with what he says.

Update: So, automatically, my Dad said that the yardstick without the outline is the older of the two yard sticks (I knew he would know right away). He also shared with me that they would often give wooden yardsticks away for free. They would order 100 of them and when they were running low they would order more. It was a great way to advertise on something that would still be useful to the customer. So happy I’m still always finding ways to learn from my family.

Homemade Bunny Buns From The Kitchen

We always make my Grama’s famous buns when family is going to be home. They are a special treat and the smell brings me right back to my childhood. We always do a knot for these buns. But I thought it would be fun to change it up and try something new for Spring.

There were a couple of different “styles” of bunny buns that were circulating throughout Pinterest that caught my eye. One type simply rolled the dough into a ball. Then you snipped two ears in the top of the bun. This was done with some scissors and the you added two eyes with skewers.

The other method was rolling the dough into a long strip and then folding it over itself and then twisting to make the ears, and adding a little ball of dough for the tail.

We decided to go with the roll and twist for our bunny buns this time. It took a little time to get into the swing of things and get the shape just right. It proved a little trickier than we thought. Needless to say, some of the bunny buns were beautiful and perfectly smooth bunnies and others were well bumpy, lumpy, lopsided bunnies!

At the end of the day, the house was filled with the wonderful scent of homemade buns and even though some were not perfect looking they all tasted delicious!

Let’s Prep the Pollinator Garden For a New Season

Last year we made our new pollinator garden using a variety of West Coast Seeds. The results last summer were stunning. We had great success with all of the seed varieties in the seed packets.

In a previous blog post I wrote about the importance of keeping old growth in place. Keeping old stems and dried flower heads intact over the winter helps overwintering insects. This method offers protection for bees and insects to “winter” over, creating a safe place to stay during the colder months.

The other day I thought I noticed some spots of green among the old growth. Today, I began removing the woody stems, dried flower heads, and crumpled up leaves in the garden. I happily found lots of new growth had already started.

The wonderful thing about perennials is that they come back year after year. I am most looking forward to seeing the poppies bloom. In my childhood home we had poppies, and we could never get them to grow at our past houses (until now). I just love the delicate petals and the way they sway in the breeze.

The first step in Spring is to remove all the debris and old growth from the garden. Then, when the daytime temperatures start to get a little warmer, you till up the soil around the existing plants with a trowel. This loosens the soil and removes the areas where it’s been compacted over the winter. I also add in some fresh compost and a top layer of new soil. This step adds richness and nutrients back into the flowerbed for the growing season ahead.

I am looking forward to seeing what the garden has to hold for us this Summer. Let’s get growing!

After a closer look at these photos, I discovered that I need to give my gardening pruners a spa day!

Spring Tiered Tray Inspiration

The season of Spring represents new beginnings and growth. It is a time of new buds, raindrops, and flowers blooming. I always find that Spring is an opportunity to get excited about warmer weather and getting to see nature start to green up after the long winter.

I love adding Spring decor items to our home. A vase of fresh tulips on the table, new greenery and florals on the mantle, and a tiered tray to display Spring themed things in the kitchen.

Mixing old and new curiosities is a great way to add details to these arrangements. I have collected quite a few different tiered trays over the years from both antique markets and home decor stores, and like how their height shows off my arrangements. I have a few cupboards that I keep my seasonal collections in (well, maybe more than a few, if you ask my husband). These cupboards are my go-to when I am creating a seasonally themed display.

I have collected many vintage items over the years for all the seasons, but some of my favourites are for Spring. I found a vintage mini watering can ornament at an antique market last year, as well as an old wire egg basket, to add to my collection.

I usually always make my decor trays different from the year before. It is a pretty organic process, where I start selecting items and then just play around with placement and adding items here and there. I am super pleased with how this year’s Spring tray turned out. Whenever I look at it, I’m reminded for a wonderful moment of happy Spring things.